02 December 2018

Aftershock Update #2

There have been over 1,300 aftershocks from Friday's earthquake. I'm here to tell you we're exhausted and truly weary of the frequent shaking.

To put it another way, it's hard to recover from a wound that gets ripped open two or three times an hour.

Let's take a look at the most recent earthquake map, shall we?

 Here's the map from a bit earlier this evening.

Yesterday's map, for comparison.

The seismic resonance causing 'quakes to spread across Alaska is obvious. Eventually, the lay of the land (literally) will find a balance, and the tremblors will stop. USGS says that could take two or three weeks.

So, I wait ...


drjim said...

Should I send prayers for patience?.....:-)

Rev. Paul said...

It couldn’t hurt.

ProudHillbilly said...

Was looking at the maps yesterday and sympathizing. Unfortunately, you are right at a plate boundary and the grinding away of the plates as they shift is grinding away at you, too. The comparatively smaller quake we had a few years ago in the DC area was quite enough for me - I can't imagine enduring this constant shaking.

Rev. Paul said...

PH, there's no place up here that isn't on or near a boundary. But I'll be perfectly happy for the tremors to grow smaller & less noticeable.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You will need all your patience. The 1964 Good Friday aftershocks lasted for more than a year. Small comfort, I know.

LindaG said...

*hugs* and God bless and comfort you all.

Rev. Paul said...

WSF, I hear you. Of course, that one was a thousand times stronger than this one. Either way, it's going to last for awhile, and we'll eventually get used to it. Sigh ...

Thanks, Linda.