05 December 2018

Earthquake Day +5

Post-Earthquake Updates

Owners of Collapsed Home Hoped to Return

Army of Engineers and Contractors Working to Check Homes

Photos from Day 2: Aftermath


drjim said...

Yow....that one's gonna take some serious jacking/shoring/rebuilding!

Did your house suffer any structural/foundation damage?

Rev. Paul said...

Jim, that house has been declared a total loss, failed foundation and all. Ours suffered only cracked and shredded drywall on the lower levels.

LindaG said...

At least they may be able to rebuild sometime.
In their case, while they didn't have eathquake insurance, mortgage insurance might have helped; though that is expensive, too.

Thankful no one seems to have been killed.

drjim said...

Wasn't sure if it was fixable or not.

It looks a lot like some of the houses in Northridge after the 1994 Northridge earthquake. A buddy of mine at DirecTV lost 90% of his stuff. The LAFD would only allow residents 15 minutes of escorted time in the building to retrieve documents and critical things like medications. Your other possessions were considered lost....

Old NFO said...

Ouch, that's DEFINITELY a collapsed foundation and first floor!

Rev. Paul said...

I hear you, Jim. We only had the one, thanks to the Anchorage earthquake code. It's believed to provide the strongest 'quake protection in the world.

NFO, it's owned by an Army family. The dad is at Fort Bragg, and they were planning to move here in a year or two, when he retires. Since they had neither earthquake nor mortgage insurance, they can't afford to rebuild. Not good.