10 January 2019

It's Unpossible

There's no local news of any import beyond the usual left/right schism in reporting the State budget. The new governor, who ran on a platform of cutting the budget by liquidating parts of that government, intends to keep his promise. 

The local fishwrapper, er, "news"paper, says 
a) he can't do it, 
b) it's impossible (the same thing as a, above, but it's never stopped them from repeating themselves before), and 
c) when he does it (I thought it was impossible..?) it'll hurt the old, the young, the poor, the sick, state government employees, and the schools. 

If they left anyone off that list, it's not because they ran out of ink.

1 comment:

LindaG said...

Sounds like the new governor is in for as big a fight as President Trump has been having.
Good luck and God bless him.