25 March 2019

Wheels Turning Slowly

We've been waiting for a post-earthquake inspection ever since the 7.1-magnitude 'quake on Nov. 30. Today, a FEMA inspector will be here. 

Seems like a long time to wait, but there were LOTS of homes affected.

Meanwhile, our insurance company is kindasorta feuding with FEMA about a letter that FEMA and the SBA want. Insurance says "no one else needed that, so you shouldn't either."

The wheels of government assistance may turn slowly, but my patience with the insurance is running out fast.


Old NFO said...

Hopefully they actually showed up! And FEMA sucks, just warning you.

Rev. Paul said...

The inspector was here; took pics to document what we reported. Next step: get our insurance inspector here to document that the damage is less than our deductible. A "denial of coverage" letter will free up SBA & FEMA to provide funds for repairs.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

I admire your patience Reverend. That must be so frustrating.

Rev. Paul said...

“Frustrating “ is one way to put it. We’re all mentally and physically exhausted.

LindaG said...

We all know how the government it. From us, it is hurry up and do it now.
TO us, it is either "not my job", or it's in the system.

I hope you get some sort of relief soon, Reverend.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, Linda. The largest demand on me is to be patient - and if that's my biggest task, then I've got it pretty good. Many lost their homes.

Rob said...

Remember the old saying. "I'm from D.C. and I'm here to help"
Or is it the one where the insurance guy died laughing so hard at your claim.

Rev. Paul said...

He'll probably like our claim, because we want them to turn us down.