27 June 2019

Cutting Cable

We've had cable TV ever since we moved to Alaska, some 16 years ago. Hundreds of high-definition channels, 5.1-surround sound, Tivo, video on demand, all the sports anyone could ever want, series recordings ... et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum.

Hundreds of channels available, yet we only frequented a dozen or so. And the price has climbed steadily higher, and we took a look at the monthly outlay and decided it was way too much.

So we recently discontinued the cable service, and returned the remote, DVR and dedicated router.

And now we have the Amazon Fire Stick (a one-time purchase), a monthly subscription to Sling TV with Cloud DVR, and a digital antenna (another one-time purchase) with a 50-mile range to pull in  channels from Anchorage. Total monthly outlay about one-third what we paid for cable.

And we still have Netflix and Amazon Prime through our entertainment system, just like before.

It's not quite as convenient as cable, but it sure does save some dough. And there's nothing bad about that. :)


Rob said...

All we have is cable internet. The cost of over 125 a month was not a hard choice. We too have fire stick. We have 3 TV two are FS., plus computers and tablets. May days I set in the Flight Recliner and listen to the birds singing outside. My wife look at me and says "What are you doing" visiting the great north woods I reply. I stopped watch local channels some time ago.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

In the building I live in there is one supplier, period, Comcast. Since I don't own a television, I still pay to have internet.

Rev. Paul said...

Rob, “visiting the great north woods “ sounds great. 😊

WSF, there’s only the one cable company here, too. We’re going to switch net suppliers as well.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Got rid of the cable box a couple years ago.
I've got youtube.tv, Netflix and Amazon.
One of those three is not gonna make the cut in the next round.

ProudHillbilly said...

Cut cable years ago, when I realized that I hadn't watched TV since February and it was June. Some many channels, so nothing to watch. I just stream internet stuff.

Rev. Paul said...

Understood, Ed. One who cannot discard a thing at need, is a prisoner of that thing.

PH, we did the same, back in the day... a long way from here. Now we’ve done it again.