05 July 2019

Weather Update

Due to the continuing heat wave, drought, and the little (if 25 acres at a time is "little") wildfires springing up here and there, all of the fireworks celebrations in this part of southcentral Alaska were canceled. 

Anchorage set a new all-time record high of 90° F. yesterday. The previous high of 85 was in 1953. (Even the climate change advocates are having trouble rectifying peak temps which occurred 66 years apart, but I'm sure it won't stop them from trying it ... somehow.*) Meanwhile, it was only 84 at our house, out here in the mountains.

Please send air conditioning.

* Oh, never mind. They're doing it already, this morning.


Rob said...

I just saw the temp on the news web page crazy. Maybe this climate change is real???

Rev. Paul said...

The climatologists who haven't drunk the kool-aid have been quietly talking about the warm-up which always precedes a new ice age. That conversation has been getting press (but not very much) since the '70s. On the other hand, weather patterns change all the time; my parents told me of the heat wave which lasted the whole summer of '55, the year I was born. And another heat wave which persisted for much of 1980. I refuse to jump on anyone's bandwagon based on short-term, cyclical patterns.

Borepatch has been publishing data about all this for at least 10 years. Much of the hysteria is based on Progressive desires to redistribute wealth.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I have AC but we rarely use it.
I don't care how hot is is (to a point), I want the windows and doors open.
At night, if I can't sleep because of it, it's a different story.
The AC comes on mostly to dehumidify.
Hang in there, you know the cold is coming. :)

LindaG said...

I would love to just nail screen over all our windows and transoms and get them all working again. But hubby says that would be too redneck and I have to care what the neighbors think. ;-)

That said, we are flirting with 100 this weekend and week; similar to the temps when he retired in 2012. I will be thanking God for AC.

If I were coming to Alaska, I'd bring you an AC. Perhaps one of the personal ACs like they advertise on TV would help.
Like this: https://www.buyarcticair.com/?mid=9377208&utm_source=05&gclid=CjwKCAjw6vvoBRBtEiwAZq-T1RuBALlqOG9ZKhejP2WXrxw2pV2MTcEZSi8LelOsMx0xehrEf82ObhoCUA4QAvD_BwE
Might be able to find something at Wally world or Bed Bath and Beyond, if those are in Alaska.

I mean, they sell misting fans here for cooling. My brother in Nevada swears by his; but I don't see how they work in humid Louisiana.

If you have fans and ice. Set a bowl in front of the fan. Works on same principal.

Good luck, Reverend. God bless.

Rev. Paul said...

Ed, we can’t sleep in the heat, either, but A/C isn’t an option. Darn it.

Linda, we’ve looked at the portable units, but have too much outlay tied up in earthquake repairs. But it’s a nice daydream. 😊

drjim said...

We're in the mid 80's this week, cooling into the mid 50's at night.

And we have a severe thunderstorm warning until 2200 today.

Gee....living in *real* weather compared to Lost Angeleez sure is interesting!

ProudHillbilly said...

I feel your pain. Been camping in Michigan since Saturday. Hotter'n hades and horribly humid on top of it. Gotta say, I love the great outdoors but I will be glad for AC and clean sheets and clothes that aren't damp.

Rev. Paul said...

drjim, those temps are roughly the same as ours, although last night it stayed in the low 60s. The inability to sleep is starting to take a toll. No break in sight until the middle of next week.

PH, I hear you. A cool night's sleep would be awfully nice.