09 September 2019

One of Those Days ...

You know how some days are just the wrong days to try certain things?

To wit:

I couldn't find our air filters at Wally World and had to go to Auto Zone instead (meaning more $$ spent than planned).

Yesterday we bought new cover plates for light switches and receptacles in the living room, which included one unfinished wood blank for the old cable jack in the decorative wood accent wall behind the TV. So I decided to stain the blank before I started on the cover plates upstairs.

I got out the can of stain which has been sitting on my workbench for two years. Lo and behold, it's "sun-kissed walnut". Not "honey oak" at all. Not sure how we missed that, although I do recall we were a bit overwhelmed by all the choices at the store when we bought it.

Then, while stirring it in hopes that it might be "sun-kissed" enough to work, it sloshed over on the newspaper and garage floor. I cleaned that up as best I could; it's not like a bit o' tint on the concrete will matter. But regarding the wood tint: alas, the stain is much too brown, even applied lightly. We'll have to get a different shade and try again.

So I cleaned the brush and stirrer, and headed up to the living room. Of course I had three cats standing on top of, in front of, and/or sniffing everything I wanted to touch/move/pick up/adjust. I spent more time moving cats than getting anything done.

So in the last hour, I've spent more money than I planned, spilled and cleaned up wood tint, and replaced exactly two (count 'em, two) cover plates.

Update: once the cats got used to me bustling around the room, and decided to take a nap, I finished the remainder in about 20 minutes.

At least the cats are enjoying me being home.


ProudHillbilly said...

Just never forget and leave the paint can lid wet side up when you have cats. Just sayin...

Rev. Paul said...

Been there, done that. The garage is the one room into which they haven't gained access, so far. But they're still trying.

LindaG said...

❤️🙂 *hugs*

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Linda; it's not that bad. Just a bit frustrating, but it's all better now.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Unlike yours, my day went well, for awhile. Had a mobile mechanic pull the carburetor on my truck so it can be rebuilt. He was running late but got it done.

Something I used to do but age has robbed my fingers of dexterity.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

There are too many choices for me too, Reverend. I just like "oak".

Rev. Paul said...

I used to enjoy rebuilding carbs. That need hasn’t come up in awhile.

Rev. Paul said...

I hear you, but at least I can match a color. But nothing is easy, it seems.

Rob said...

Color choices? Have you ever seen a list of tires for cars and trucks, Good Lord almighty. Our cats are the kings of my castle. Would have any other way

Rev. Paul said...

Oh yes, my friend. But I’d rather shop for tires than try to pick a new paint color. I leave the decoration choices to my wife.

Rob said...

Oh I understand. How many colors of white are there?? Don't get me started on the rest. My dad had a mustang built late 60's had to been repainted it looked white, until you put white up to it, then it was some kind of lite blue. Drove me crazy.

Rev. Paul said...

Rob, there are some 6,000 shades of paint available. I surrender!