16 October 2019

JPFO: The Founders Didn't Want Americans Armed with Weapons of Sport

The "Nicknamed Candidate" has no clue about firearms
Our forefathers fought our British oppressors with weapons of war. The "Nicknamed Candidate" for president, this Beto fellow, thinks the Founders couldn't imagine us armed properly with weapons of war. We had the most sophisticated weapons of war imaginable in the late 1700s, weapons capable of fighting and defeating the most powerful army on the planet. That was the plan. It still is. The Second Amendment codifies this for the Militia--our People.

This person running for president as Beto must be a fool. His understanding of history stops short of any comprehension of why we are armed. We are armed as a balance of power, a threat to the existing order if it gets out of line. It keeps us free. You don't do that subarmed, with weapons of sport, or weapons of hunting ducks. Americans must have parity with police and infantry. To the extent we do not, we are subject to subjugation and frankly, that balance is slipping, and so tyranny creeps closer. Any careful observer can see that's true, and frightening.

Using a handful of psychotic maniacs who senselessly murder unarmed civilians as leverage to disarm the entire populace is emblematic of exactly who you do not want to elect or even listen to for advice. Asking the nicknamed candidate, riding a child's skateboard--which didn't even exist in Colonial times--for advice on how to run the country, is a fool's game. The fact that our so-called "news" media would give him serious consideration may be the second biggest problem we face. Not just fake news, but fraudulent reporting, misleading the body politic, using a putz as a pundit.
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12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • JPFO.org • 800-869-1884 • info@jpfo.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  •  Oct 15, 2019  •  Contact: Floyd Neeland


LindaG said...


I talk about revolution and hubby's nephew says "if I'd just get to know the queer, trans, whatever flavor of the day, then I would feel better"; or some sort of dumb thing...

Rev. Paul said...

I talk to millenials all the time; many of them are of such an other-worldly viewpoint that there's almost no common frame of reference. That's my long-winded way of saying you're right; "getting to know them" wouldn't help much, if at all.

Rob said...

All I can do is get down on my knees and pray that we are living in a bad ream, and we will wake up some day...

Rev. Paul said...

That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Donald Sensing said...

First, let's shoot all the gun owners!