13 October 2019

Link: "The Coming Next American Civil War"

Case in point: please read the whole thing. Then if you wish, come back here to discuss.


LindaG said...

Scary; but I agree.

Rev. Paul said...

It's not something I want, but it looks more and more inevitable.

Vicki said...

Whoever set out to divide us as a nation has done a fine job of it. Like Humpty Dumpty, I am not at all sure we can ever be put back together again. Divide and conquer seems to be the goal and it scares me that it is working so very well.

Rev. Paul said...

They will have much to answer for, as they have broken what the Lord put together. Talk about reaping the whirlwind..! In the meantime, we must keep the faith (literally), continue to spread the message, and fight the good fight. I firmly believe that the coming fighting will be primarily centered around the urban areas. Much of the country will be relatively unaffected, and that's the plain mercy of God.

ProudHillbilly said...

We've been in an escalating cold Civil War for a bit now. With the Brown Shirts occasionally elevating it to a semi-hot war on a small scale. I say semi-hot because their opponants rarely respond in kind, preferring to keep on in the fantasy that LE will protect the peaceful from the violent. LE is currently caught in the middle, as will the military be. They are under orders and obeying them even if they disagree. But at some point Antifa will go after the wrong group and they will be met with counter-force. (I mean, really - bring your sh#t to my house and see if I lay on the ground and bare my belly to attack). And that will escalate until LE will have to choose, as will, further down the line, the military. Some will enjoy their position as enforcers and drive the tank in Tiananmen Square. How many others will say "No way!" remains to be seen.

Rev. Paul said...

I can’t find anything wrong with your reasoning nor conclusions.