08 January 2020

About the New Header

This is what our landscape looks like after a week of double-digits below zero for the daily highs.
Things get a bit frosty. We have rime frost that's well over an inch thick, and the cold is supposed to stay for several more days.

AccuHunch opines that it's the longest cold snap in at least a decade.

Oh, well, just more of those refreshing Alaskan breezes which Old NFO misses so much.

See the source image

Near the top of the drive home.


drjim said...

Oh, Lordy....I can feel the cold!

Very pretty, though.

I prefer the cold weather, mountains, and relaxed living here compared to the Crowded Concrete Canyon I spent the last 30+ years in!

Mike Yukon said...

Pretty, but wow that's cold. It does amaze me that the plant life and trees survive it!

threecollie said...

Just a tad shiverish!

Rev. Paul said...

Me too, my friend. That’s why we live in the forest on the side of a mountain.

Rev. Paul said...

It’s a bit nippy if you’re not used to it. These northern plants are apparently variants which have a natural antifreeze in their sap.

Rev. Paul said...

A bit. 😊

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

It is beautiful, Reverence. Seemingly much more beautiful from my warm screen...

Rev. Paul said...

A frigid winter scene will always seem warmer from indoors. But if one is dressed appropriately and wants a beautiful scene, one must go to the scene. It was -11 when I snapped that shot this afternoon. It’s-14 now, at a few minutes past 5:00.

Old NFO said...

ROTF... Um... NOOOOOOooooo... Adak was enough for me, followed up by Eielson and Thule in the 'spring' which meant it was ONLY 40 below and 60 below respectively.

Rob said...

Now I know why we don't have the bitter stuff yet???

Rev. Paul said...

Yep, I knew you missed it... like a root canal. 😉

Rev. Paul said...

It does seem to be firmly embedded for now. Maybe next week?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Reminds me of the Yampa Valley (NW CO) in February.

LindaG said...

Love it!
Wish I could still do the cold. 🙂

Rev. Paul said...

I suppose there are worse places to be reminded of.

Rev. Paul said...

It does have a certain beauty.