15 January 2020

I Was Thinking...

I was thinking: if only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed? Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?

I was thinking: if Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent?

I was thinking: if women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?

I was thinking: each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.
I was thinking: we should stop calling them all the government payouts "entitlements". Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, ad nauseum are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all. Social Security and veterans' benefits are entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them: they were earned and paid for by the recipients. The others were not.
I was thinking: if Liberals don't believe in biological gender, then why did they march for women's rights?
I was thinking: how did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the 2016 primary from Bernie Sanders?
I was thinking: why is it that Democrats think Super delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
I was thinking: if you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.
I was thinking: if Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
I was thinking: if Democrats don't want foreigners involved in our elections, why do they think it's all right for illegals to vote?

Now my head hurts; I'm going to quit thinking for a while!


Rob said...

I was thinking that this Scam in DC would end...
I was thinking as long as Trumps in office they will try and remove him..
I was thinking....

Ed Bonderenka said...

You think too much...

Rev. Paul said...

'Tis a perilous pastime, indeed.

Mike Yukon said...

That will definitely bring on brain cramps! Thanks :-)

drjim said...

OWWWWWWW! Makes my head hurt.....

MaddMedic said...

Oh that's good stuff...
I need a drink after that though...

Rev. Paul said...

You’re welcome!

Rev. Paul said...

Again with the brain cramps. Maybe I should have included aspirin.

Rev. Paul said...

I understand.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I copied the contents and posted it as my own on FB and got a million likes and a few shares. Thanks!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You are good at stirring the pot. Please keep it up!

Rev. Paul said...

Um ... you’re welcome.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, sir. I’ll see what I can do.

Home on the Range said...

I'm still trying to figure out why Illinois' new governor thinks it's OK to raise state taxes by almost 8% because the state needs money but he took all of the toilets out of a multi million dollar mansion he bought as an investment to make it uninhabitable which meant WAY less in property taxes until such time as he sells the home at a big profit.

Rev. Paul said...

Because taxes are for the little people?

Borepatch said...

You think a lot of subversive thoughts!

Rev. Paul said...

Why yes. Yes, I do. 😉