21 May 2020

Today's New Favorite Word


There's a procedure which men of a certain age - which now includes me, darn it - must undergo. 
Hmm, that's vague. Try again: for the last six months, my doctor and I have been watching one of the results from last fall's physical. 

The PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer.The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. My number was too high, so we checked it again last month. Still high.

So last week, I got to see a whole new doctor (urologist), and got a biopsy of the prostate. That's not even as much fun as it sounds. (You can look up the procedure if you want; I'd rather not relive it. :)

The results came back today: 100% benign. No need for further invasive procedures; just watch the test numbers over the next few years for any changes.

Now I'm going to go celebrate with an adult beverage. I don't do it very often, but tonight it seems like a REALLY good idea. 


drjim said...

That's wonderful to hear!

I've been taking Furosemide ("Flomax") for about 8 years now, and while it helps a lot, I still have to get up in the middle of the night. I have BPH, and my PSA numbers are fine.

Have you been on any meds for this?

LindaG said...

Great news, Reverend! Praise God!

ProudHillbilly said...

Phew! Great news!

John in Philly said...

That is good news, some of the, umm, medical indignities I've gone through are to prevent hearing the words, "If we had caught this sooner...."

Rev. Paul said...

drjim, only saw palmetto. Might have to try what you recommend.

Linda, indeed. He is GOOD!

PH, thank you.

John, I hear that clearly. The indignities seem to get a bit more, um, personal as we age.

drjim said...

I goofed on the name of the meds. Furosemide is a diuretic ("Lasix"), which I don't take any longer,and Tamsulosin ("Flomax") is what I take so I only get up once during the night, not four times like I was doing!

They're both prescription only, so see your Doctor....

JayNola said...

Ah Lasix. That's an old friend but I don't have much interaction with him anymore since the getting the new to me ticker. The old roto rooter isn't a lot of fun but there's worse things out there to be endured. Thanks for keeping us posted Rev.