28 August 2020

Prayer Request for President Trump

This is an email sent to the leader of our conference call prayer line from one of our prayer warriors. This dream she had is so powerful and shows what our President is up against. I want to share it with you; please feel free to share it with anyone else you believe will understand.

To the Army of God:
Bind All Assassination Efforts From Either Side - Satan Wants Civil War In Our country!
First, let me begin by saying that I know what my spiritual gifts are, and I know what they are not.
I am not given to prophetic dreams and visions, but early this morning (Shabbat 8/22/20), I had a vivid dream.
I was at a political event where President Trump was to speak. We were outside and I could see him a couple of hundred feet away talking to a small group of people. He looked up and immediately our eyes connected. He motioned me over to him. As I approached him I could see he had on a black dress overcoat and a suit and tie. When I got closer, I could see he was pale, diaphragmatic, and sweating profusely. As a healthcare professional, I immediately started assessing his appearance. He seemed to know what I was doing and he said, “ Come, follow me, don’t say anything.”
We went into a building where he asked me to help him remove his overcoat. By now he was sitting in a fold out chair and flinched with every movement. At this point, I had grabbed his pulse which was thready and I knew he was in shock.
He loosened his tie and asked me to help him remove his suit coat. It was then that I saw the blood. I started to look for a bullet hole in his coat and saw none. I asked, “Mr. President, have you been shot?” He shook his head, no.
When I stepped around to his back, I saw his shirt was ripped and shredded and that was the origin of the blood. As I helped him remove the shirt, I was shocked! His back looked like 3-4 inch stab wounds. They were about a half inch deep. They were not random, as going in different directions, but rather they were uniform, equal distant, and his back was covered from shoulder to waist. While they were more than superficial, they looked non life threatening, and none seemed to be affecting any vital organs. I was trying to assess what could inflict this kind of damage. I quickly ruled out a knife. They looked suspiciously like machete wounds, I had seen many times on the mission field in Haiti and Latin America. As I started to clean the wounds and figure out what needed suturing, the Lord told me these are not machete wounds. They are wounds from talons. Specifically the large talons of predator birds like vultures.
Then the Lord told me, “President Trump has been under unusually severe attack this passed week. The attack started with the announcement of the Abraham Accord between Israel and the UAE. The attack steadily grew during the Democratic National Convention and the death of Robert, his brother, was the final assault.”
The Lord went on to say, “President Trump has been granted a “rhinoceros hide” to deflect normal vitriol and lies but this past week, the Enemy has found a weakness in that hide and has taken advantage of it with ungodly assaults.”
I asked the Lord, “ What should I do? How can I help?”
He showed me the people who have been praying for the President. I saw all kinds of prayer groups. Senior citizen centers, school aged kids, college kids, business leaders, I saw police officers, blue collars factory workers, I saw black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, I saw Jews, Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Amish, Mennonites. I saw bikers, good old rednecks, military men and women, pastors, preachers, Rabbis. In other words, I saw the fabric of America praying for President Trump.
Then the Lord said, “You must get into lock step, and be shoulder to shoulder in your prayers. You must see yourselves as the army of God, marching as to war. Because this is a war unlike ever planned for a US President to intentional destroy him and the country he loves.”

Please, please heed this dream. Do your part, gather your prayer teams, and families. Cover our President day and night with prayers of protection, wisdom, guidance and direction.
President Donald J. Trump has been called for such a time as this...and so have you and I.
August 22, 2020

Make of this what you will, friends, but please pray for Mr. Trump. We need him, and he needs us.


Vicki said...

Done - and ongoing. Evil will do anything to get rid of him - and us.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, Vicki. The Internet meme about how they are after us, and he’s in the way, is quite true.

Ed Bonderenka said...

There appears to be a movement to pray for our president every night at 8pm, so we've been doing that.

chipmunk said...

We have been praying regularly for our President and other governmental figures, as well as their families.

Rev. Paul said...

Ed & chipmunk: excellent! Thank you both.