08 September 2020

Biden Plans "Psych" Test for Gun Ownership

His talk about AR-15 confiscation is overruled by new

"character, suitability and 'any other' " requirements
for gun ownership; Second Amendment would be optional.

The Bill of Rights ban on infringement would be ignored;
Unelected bureaucrats will literally choose who can bear arms;
All existing arms in private hands will be subject to confiscation.
A plain reading—not "analysis"—of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's gun bill, now in both houses of Congress, will require current and future gun owners to pass psychology and character tests to continue owning the firearms they already legally possess. When asked, legal experts have been unable to describe how this would be legal, Biden has not commented. America has 100 million gun owners by most estimates. That has grown dramatically by sales to people terrified amidst urban rioting, who can't get police protection, during the corona-virus pandemic.

The first line of the identical bills, HR5717 and S3254, requires a federal license for any American to legally "purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition." This is de facto infringement.

To obtain this license you would need to prove to unelected officials that you are of "sound mind and character," you do not "potentially create a risk to public safety," and you meet "any other requirements the State determines relevant." No standards or guidelines are provided. Assuming anyone could qualify, authorities, "make a determination of suitability," for your possession and ownership of firearms, including any you currently own. Orthodox Rabbi Raziel Cohen, a JPFO Ambassador and certified trainer says, "This outrageous usurpation of power, and affront to the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment could never pass muster at the U.S. Supreme Court."

Alan Korwin, an author and consultant to JPFO notes that, "Democrats have publicly promised if they can't succeed legislatively, they will repeal the filibuster rule, pack the Supreme Court with left-leaning Justices and exercise their will." Nothing limits the High Court to only nine seats.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, http://www.jpfo.org
12500 NE 10th Pl
Bellevue Washington 98005


LindaG said...

State by state they might succeed, too. Though some states - meaning gun owners - might fight it.

The scariest part are the idiots that will vote Biden. They obviously already think they have the ballot box stuffed.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

I am sure this will be one of the first things out of the gate.

This will not end well. At all.

Vicki said...

Why am I not surprised. Whoever said "Politicians want your guns because they are planning to do something you might shoot them for" was spot on.

Rev. Paul said...

Linda, I believe you're right. But there WILL be a war; that's the part that saddens (and frightens) me the most.

TB, you're correct: there will be a civil war triggered by gun confiscation. But I firmly believe that the gun owners will win it, eventually. That's NOT to say it will be anything like "pleasant".

Vicki, those same politicians are coming right out, these days, and telling us they plan to do which will work better (for them) if the populace is disarmed. I'm just not sure who they think will confiscating the weapons in the first place.

ProudHillbilly said...

I suppose "I aim for center of mass" would disqualify me from ownership...

Seriously, though, I had already decided that I'm only doing personal buy/sell for now. The issue for me would be reloading components for ammunition.

Rev. Paul said...

PH - that would certainly disqualify any of us, and probably cause the bureaucrat in question to get the vapors. It'd be fun to watch, though. :)

Old NFO said...

Agree with Vicki! Dammit...

LindaG said...

What would you say to someone who said " Does the Constitution prohibit psyche tests?"

They just don't get it.

Rev. Paul said...

NFO, I hear you.

Linda, as you most likely know, a psych eval isn't the issue. The Second Amendment prohibits any infringement on the right to keep & bear arms. Having to first pass a test would be unthinkable to the Founders, and still is ... at least, it is to me.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I never hand over a loaded weapon.

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed! Nor should you ever have to.

drjim said...

Molon Labe....

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed, drjim. They are going to try, at some point, but won't like the response they get.