01 September 2020

We Have Been Played


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Put this on my FB page.

Old NFO said...

That we have...

Rev. Paul said...


Rev. Paul said...

And I thought it made me angry before .

CWfromIowa said...

Yup, now the truth shall set you free. No more masks!

Rev. Paul said...

We'll have to see about that. Lord Farquadd the Insignificant has yet to drop his demand for masks as far as the eye can see.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Well it may be the turn of the tide.

Rev. Paul said...

I surely hope & pray that's prophetic, Ed. Too many here are ready to start fighting back.

drjim said...

Yep, like a cheap fiddle!

And still the sheeple slumber.....

Vicki said...

Finally some Truth! If this news gets out, the little tin god governors will have a hard time maintaining control.

Rev. Paul said...

‘Tis true. But maybe there aren’t as many sheeple as we’ve been led to believe. Or not.

Rev. Paul said...

We fondly hope.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend, I have been to the CDC report and will have to go back again - the way that they report it, it is hard to parse (for me anyway).

That said, I have found it particularly indicative that in at least one part of California, the church was still being encouraged to do all of its social services. Just not worship. That speaks volumes to me.

I have said it before, but the longer this goes on the more week and ineffective the Church is being demonstrated to be. Perhaps it has been so for a while; only the Plague has made it visible for the world to see.

Rev. Paul said...

TB - So what do you propose?

ProudHillbilly said...

And it's hard to even calculate that 6% because the numbers are so inflated that I don't know what to take 6% of.

Rev. Paul said...

They haven’t made it easy. That would be too much like admitting it was a deliberate conflation.