25 November 2020

Hump Day Funnies



Well Seasoned Fool said...

That last one strikes home. The VA will pay for the procedure but I am required to pay for the hospital stay.

Old NFO said...

Oh yeah, that last one... sigh

LindaG said...

The dentist one is me. I have never liked dentists and I hate needles.

You all be safe and have a blessed Thanksgiving, Reverend.

Rev. Paul said...

WSF & NFO - that one seems to have struck a chord.

Linda - I'm sorry to hear that. I know one lady who has to be sedated even for a cleaning; she's that frightened of dentistry.

LindaG said...

Reverend, I've been thinking about something like that the next time I go in. :-P

John in Philly said...

Many years ago one of those all you can eat buffet places opened near us and we dined there to check it out.
The food was average and the only negative was watching two large individuals in my line of sight eat their dinner.
They had each filled two plates to overflowing, sat down, and then eaten like they were afraid someone was coming to take the food away.
The din of knives and forks was of near deafening levels.

We didn't feel we needed to repeat the experience.

Dentists. I'm better with a dental visit now, but my earliest memories of the dentist were in the late fifties or the very early sixties, and the clearest memory was that the dental drill was a string and pulley driven device used to inflict pain and suffering on me.