23 March 2021

Coming Soon

 I hope we are all well past wondering what a society founded entirely on lies might look like.

Your thoughts?


Sue in Oregon said...

A house built on sand will not stand.

Rev. Paul said...

You're right, Sue. Without the direct intervention of our Heavenly Father, the country we knew is finished.

Ed Bonderenka said...

He won't intervene until we intercede.

Rev. Paul said...

That's what the article is about, sir. But your point is a good reminder for the many who sit around waiting for Him to "do something".

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Pretty much we do not have to wonder any more.

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed, TB.

drjim said...

That's a very sobering article. In my time on this Earth, I never felt The Second Coming was something I might get to see.

These days, I'm not so sure....