10 March 2021

Iditarod Update: March 10

Here are the latest standings, as the top three mushers have checked (and one is out again) at Ophir. (The link has video, news, interviews, and commentary.)

Those three are Brent Sass, who departed Ophir at 0423. Ryan Redington and Aaron Burmeister are still there.  Sass is the only racer who has not yet taken any of the scheduled layovers. 

That means the lead will change hands several more times before the race is completed.

According to Iditarod.com, Aliy Zirkle not only incurred a concussion, but suffered a dislocated shoulder. She's at home now, recuperating.


Suz said...

Re Ali: OUCH!! But glad she is able to be heading home. and glad her team is all ok. Concussion plus shoulder injuries--she will be definitely uncomfortable for a while, even if she is able to not be in the hospital.

Rev. Paul said...

She’s no stranger to severe pain, Suz. A few years ago, she and her team were hit by a car while training. She received several fractured vertebrae, an injury with which I’m intimately familiar. She raced again that winter. Tough lady.

Old NFO said...

Ouch, that sucks.

Rev. Paul said...

It does indeed, my friend. Mine (three vertabrae fractured in '74) still hurts all the time, for 47 years.