29 April 2021

It's Thursday Already?

Fun flies when you're doing time ...  It's been a busy month, and my attention has been split, if not shattered altogether.  :)

With the slow passing of the record snows, we're emerging into late Spring. The snow is 98% gone, excepting north-facing slopes, and shaded areas.  The ground is dead grass, muddy, and frozen underneath. It'll be a bit before we see any greenery.

I've put a bit over $2K into my li'l SUV (and still miss my big SUV). The new alternator was replaced to the tune of $1,050. That involved disconnecting the coolant hoses, mounting brackets, and jacking the block two inches out of the engine compartment. Then they had to remove the right transaxle. Replace alternator, then reverse the process.

Two weeks later, I dropped another $970 on the wastegate regulator, the coolant bypass valve, replacing the overflow reservoir, and another coolant line running to that reservoir. But now, for the first time in over a year, there are no warning lights on the dash.

So I'll stop and take a deep breath, and put another couple of paychecks in the account before beginning more repairs on the other li'l SUV.


Suz said...

Not only is it Thursday already...it is the last week of the month!! Where exactly did April go??!!??
I'm busy dropping paychecks into the final steps of buying a house...always seems to be another "small" charge for something or other...sigh. Hopefully, I am on the last lap and will get a closing date set in the next couple of weeks.
We went from brown and dead to green and growing like crazy in about 3 days time...first we got rain, then the thermometer jumped up to mid 50's and 60's...green got going overnight!

LindaG said...

And the year is almost half over!

One down, one to go. Praise God! :)

Old NFO said...

Ouch! That's...expensive, but you do what you have to, to keep them running!

drjim said...

And I'll bet the alternator itself was about $300? The labor on newer cars is what kills you if it's a non-warranty item.

When we opened the hood on the Honda Ridgeline we looked at, the first words out of SLW's mouth were "Where's the battery?". Turns out to even jump the thing, you had to spend about 15~20 minutes getting AT the battery. Then you had to put all the stuff back when you got it running.

No, thanks.....

threecollie said...

I feel your pain on the car repair. These days everything is impossible to get at and expensive to replace.