11 November 2023

And It Came To Pass ...

that your host and his bride perused a recently-arrived Christmas catalogue, and had to pay a visit to the local outlet.

This one, in fact:

... whereupon shopping ensued. Not only was there the 10% discount afforded to veterans, but sundry items were on sale.

Money and goods exchanged hands, and a grand time was had by all. Leastways, it was had by us. The staff didn't seem to mind, either. 


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend, we appreciate you sacrificing on our behalf.

Rev. Paul said...

It's a sacrifice, to be sure, but someone's ... well, you know. ;)

Old NFO said...

Yep, sacrifice... I hate even walking in the door because I always find too much stuff I like and not enough $$$ to pay for all of it... sigh

Rev. Paul said...

I have the same problem, NFO, even telling myself, "This time, I won't want everything I see. This time, I'll keep my wallet tucked away."

Lies, all lies. :)