13 December 2023

The Weather Service Strikes Again

Yesterday morning, there were snow showers in the forecast. Of course, that was before going to work.

During our commute into Los Anchorage, they added "4 to 8 inches in Anchorage, and 3 to 6 inches" in our town.

Snowfall started mid-morning, and there was already 6 or 7 inches on the car when I left at 1600. Okay, we can deal with that.

We got up this morning to find that we got 12 to 13 inches overnight. That amount, on top of the roughly three inches already on the driveway, added up to a bit more than our small SUV can easily handle. And then the city plow closed both ends of our drive-through driveway.

Sigh ... another day's PTO burned by an unplanned day off to dig out. The big snowblower (30") handled it easily enough; I'm the weak link.

Good news: it's the first time since my heart attack that I was able to do the entire 260' driveway by myself. Yay! 

It took twice as long as it used to, but I hope that will keep improving, too. 


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend Paul, that is great news (on the ability to do it after your heart attack)! Standard warnings about not over exerting, etc.

I have felt for years that we should treat weather folks like Old Testament Prophets: If what they say does not come to pass, we stone them. It would cut down on the frivolous forecasts.

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, TB. And I know it's not the Christian thing to do, but the idea of stoning the weather folk makes me giggle like a schoolkid. :)