04 February 2024


Greetings, Gentle Readers!

It's a balmy 4° F. here at the ol' homestead, but kindly notice it's above zero, rather than below. That's the first time in nearly three weeks we've been this warm.

We got another six inches of snow in the last 18 hours, most of it since breakfast today. Just a couple of hours ago, visibility was down to about 30 feet.

So of course, that's when we did our weekly shopping. 

Unloading groceries

After lunch, I'll have to run the snowblower again. I hope the city sends its snowplows before then, so that clearing the road so that the berms at either end of our driveway can be done at the same time.

This fellow trotted across the road in front of us the other day, necessitating a brief delay on the way home from work. (The line across the pic is the usual broken windshield; the glass replacement people have a booming business up here.)

A friend made the drive to Girdwood a week or so ago; I stole these pics from him.


LindaG said...

We had quite a bit of fog here this morning, too. But ours wasn't ice fog, which I presume yours was. :)
Praise the Lord for snowblowers! :)
I do miss Alaska.

You all be safe, stay warm and God bless.

drjim said...

It was rainy, damp, and 30* yesterday, Really miserable to be out in (I wasn't), and we had about a 1/2" of ice on everything, a really Bad Day to have to drive in.

I haven't even had to use my Ariens this season, due to below normal snowfall. Just hope we get a wet Spring and cool Summer for the farmers and ranchers here.

Howard Brewi said...

Had -40 here in Kenny Lake yesterday AM only -20 this AM with just enough snow to create rolling snow storms on the way to church in Glennallen this AM, high -5 today!

Rev. Paul said...

Linda - we didn't have fog yesterday, but the blizzard conditions made it look foggy. And yes, a snowblower is a blessing!

drjim - our big Ariens has more than earned its keep every year. We're at 115" of snow this winter, with another 3 months to go. Unless it stops snowing altogether, this will be the most snow ever received since Anchorage started tracking that in 1915. I hope y'all get cooler temps with some actual snow; ice just sucks all the joy out of life.

Howard - you folks are always colder, as our temps are moderated by Cook Inlet/Knik Arm. Coldest we've seen here is -31°.

Old NFO said...

Y'all stay safe! That is NOT warm...

Rev. Paul said...

NFO, I recall your aversion to cold weather, my friend. All I can say is that after three weeks of temps around -20, anything above zero feels warm in comparison.