20 June 2024

Political Memes



LindaG said...

Yup, yup.
Who watches "The View"?

Thanks, Reverend. You all be safe and God bless.

Justin_O_Guy said...

When I see someone say something so obviously bullshit, like,
The eclipse may be yet Another indicator of global warming
I wonder if they actually believe that.
I'm also wishing that idiotic lying b#### would include the list of indicators she's got.
Do these people not know that every eclipse, from the beginning of time and into eternity was gonna Happen, even IF there was no life on Earth? Is she Really that stupid or just saying that to rile up the people who Are that stupid?

LindaG said...

Justin, these are the same sorts of people who think you can tip an island over...

Justin_O_Guy said...

So when they say a man can get pregnant, they actually believe that... Ooookay, well, that's unsettling.. I think I'd rather them just be That dishonest.