16 July 2024

Tuesday 7/16

 For those who are following the teachings of Dutch Sheets, today's message is "The Mavericks are Coming".

In other news (heh), today's weather is the same as for the last week: chilly, damp, and rainy. Yesterday, it was 45° when we got up. Today, it's warmed to 49°, but was raining again. AccuHunch's Weatherguess thinks it will get up to 58 today.

President Trump's pick for his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) is being widely applauded across the State. Fringe leftists (mostly transplants from Seattle and Portland who think that we're too conservative, and therefore must be forced into their form of liberalism) are incensed. That pretty much confirms that Vance is a great choice.

I've been asked if I think Mr. Trump will be reelected. Yes, I do. I have no doubt that the hand of God is on that man, as clearly evidenced by the events of last Saturday. The confirmation of Presidential immunity for official actions, and the dismissal of the classified documents case in Florida, are additional signs. Oh, and the conviction in the so-called "hush money" case? I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be reversed on appeal. 

All y'all have a great day! Thanks for stopping by. 



Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend, we are in the high 80's to 90's here, which is a touch warmer than I care for but much shorter than Summer where I came from (and minimal humidity), so it is bearable.

Rev. Paul said...

TB, that's still too hot for us. Alaskans melt at any temp much above 80. :)

LindaG said...

Is your wife still healing?

We were 96 today. Cooling down to the 80s for a few days when a "cold front" comes through. But rain forecast for the next week.

You all be safe and God bless.

Old NFO said...

Agree with all, except the weather, you can keep it!!! :-)

Rev. Paul said...

Linda, my wife completed her physical therapy several weeks ago, and is walking normally. Thank you for asking. :)

NFO, we're happy to have temps which can be controlled. If/when it gets above 75°, we all just sit in front of fans, hoping it cools back down to normal.