05 August 2024

Repairing the "Dislocations" and Praying for Help


"America cannot survive four more years of shaking her fist in God’s face through unrighteous laws and evil, antichrist agendas. God does not demand perfection from our leaders, but He does need leaders who desire to honor Him and His ways. 

"The church must “stand in the gap” for America now as never before. Prayer is critical. Get on board with all of your heart and strength. Repent of any national sins Holy Spirit brings to mind, and ask God to realign us. Ask for angels to war for us. And listen to Him, not the media. Take all strategies from Him, and keep your faith in Him, not in what you see."

Hear the whole thing, here. 

Weather-wise, we pray for our friends in Florida, Georgia, and all the area currently hit by, and under threat from, Hurricane Debby. Lord, please protect them in whatever way You think best.


Old NFO said...


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend, I have been so out of the loop I had not even heard of the hurricane until today. Prayers up.

threecollie said...

Debby is ripping through NY right now. Evacuations out near our son's home, although he and his family are safe so far. Prayers for all