22 October 2024

A Voters' Guide, and More

I want to begin today’s post by telling you about an incredible tool to help undecided voters make up their minds, and motivate them to vote. It is the Million Voices Candidate Fact Sheet. John Graves, who leads this effort, tells us:

“Research proves a nonpartisan fact-sheet is the #1 factor to motivate undecided, persuadable, swing voters to go and vote. We have only a few days left for people to share nonpartisan information about candidates. This info is crucial for persuadable voters.”

Their website, MillionVoices.org is easily navigated. Trust me - if I can do it, it’s easy! They have a short video explaining how to use the guides, which can also be downloaded. From the presidential race, to governor races, to congressional races, you can easily learn where candidates stand on important issues without having to read tons of information. You can even find out if candidates have changed their positions in the last few months. In other words, you’ll be able to tell what has been their long-term position.

This is a tremendous tool to use and share with others. Check it out.

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From Dutch Sheets:

For today’s post, I feel it would be a great encouragement for all of us to be reminded of the “America shall be saved” dream. I first heard the phrase spoken several years ago by Reinhart Bonnke, who said the Lord spoke this very clearly to him. Then, a few years later, the Lord gave this dream to Gina Gholston. Here are Gina’s comments regarding this word, with a few more thoughts added. Be encouraged, and keep the faith. Our title is:

Ready, Set, Go

The Ekklesia is being called to attention and to their post to release prophetic proclamations that will reconnect this nation with God’s heart and desires. His verdict for America has been determined, and He has remembered His promises. This is not the time for intimidation or retreat. As His governing body, the Ekklesia must stand steadfast with faith and confidence in the Lord, unshaken in our expectation and persuasion that He is faithful to complete the good work that He has begun in this nation.

In 2018, I had a very significant dream, which was an announcement from heaven to reveal God’s verdict and His intentions for America. I had no idea at the time that God would use this dream in the prayer movement and beyond. Its message would give the Ekklesia hope and strategy for the future into which we were being ushered.

Dutch has shared this dream several times, but no time was quite as powerful as its initial release at the end of the Turnaround Conference held at the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., in February 2018. This was just two weeks after I had the dream. That conference was actually incorporated into the dream. The gathering consisted of national and international intercessors who had united for the sole purpose of making an appeal to heaven on behalf of the United States of America. As the intercessors ascended in worship, they accessed the presence of God to hear; then they effectively declared His intentions. God’s response to their fervent appeal was to reveal His determined verdict: America shall be saved.

In the dream, a courier angel emerged from that gathering carrying a large scroll, which contained God’s response. The angel proceeded to the U.S. Capitol building and declared those words before a large crowd, releasing the glory of God to impact the nation with transformation and reformation.

“America shall be saved!” It’s not a cute catchphrase; it is a verdict that was determined by God Himself, and it is a promise that will be fulfilled by the God who made it. We must know and be convinced of this as we pray for our nation. We may not know the “hows” and the “whens,” but we must believe this is the will of God for America, which enables us to pray and decree effectively. If we pray from a place of doubt or uncertainty concerning His will, we are not aligning ourselves in agreement with Him, causing us to pray from a wrong perspective and in unbelief. We must pray from the perspective of the determined will of God.

Many prayer assignments have been carried out, and many faith declarations have been made since the Lord revealed His verdict through that dream. Our faith agreement has continued, and we press forward with undaunted conviction that what God has promised, He will do. Much has been accomplished, but we’re not finished. We must not relinquish our persistent push in prayer and our consistency in intercession. Heaven is responding to our obedience. God remembers His promises, and not one word or assignment will return to Him without results. He speaks with the intent to perform!

Another Encouraging Word

Last year, as I was preparing to speak at a conference gathering, I looked up on the wall of my hotel room and noticed a framed black and white photo of a clock tower. The tower resembled the shape of an arrow pointing upward. As I looked at the photo, I was suddenly caught up in the Spirit, and saw a bolt of lightning come out of the sky and strike the clock tower. Immediately, I heard the Lord say to me, “It’s a striking time!”

I was then reminded of a GH15 from 2021 about a dream I had in which the word “strike” was emphasized. In that post, Dutch stated, “The strike represents successful intercession! The Hebrew word for intercession is paga.(1) Among other things, it means to strike a target. It is used this way in Job 36:32, ‘He covers His hand with the lightning, and commands it to strike the target.’”

After re-reading Dutch’s post, the Lord spoke through the “Ready, Set, Go” command given to runners. He said, “The time has come. I am igniting the torch. My runners who have responded to My leading and positioning are being ‘set’ to run with the fire. Listen for the command of the ‘go,’ and do not hesitate to run.

“My runners will be divinely assisted to run with endurance as they carry and release the flames of revival and glory. I am igniting My saturated bundles that are positioned throughout the land. They will run and not grow weary. I am ready to ignite the nation with the fire of My glory.

“Your labor has not been in vain. You have taken ground! It has been a little at a time, but you have taken ground. In the previous season, I have been uncapping wells and releasing the flammable waters of My Spirit. Those waters have now spread throughout the nation. Now, I have ignited you to ignite the land. Don’t hold back! I have infused you with fire; run with it! I Am releasing you as My fiery arrows, and you are right on point! In the days to come, I will strategically direct and release you into designated targets, and upon impact, the ignition of My glory will be undeniable. These are the days when the fierceness of My might will be revealed.”

Striking time has come! We can’t stop now. We must not succumb to intimidation or weariness in our “well-doing” (Galatians 6:9). We must remember and be fully persuaded of what God has said. We must release our declarations with confidence that they are right on point, and that they will hit the target to release the unveiling of His intended purposes. America shall be saved! This is our promise, and it is our expectation, for the Lord has determined it to be so!

Pray with me:

Father, we know and believe Your verdict for America: She shall be saved. That salvation will come as a result of an awakening bringing an awareness of You. As Your Ekklesia, we rise to attention and release our voice in agreement with You, declaring Your verdict and prophetic proclamations. And we do so with the assurance that our obedient intercession is causing movement, and that Your words will strike the target to accomplish that for which You send them. We will not shrink back in intimidation or fear. We stand securely and confidently, with undaunted faith in You. We are unshaken in our expectation and persuasion that You are faithful to complete the good work You have begun in this nation. We pray this in Jesus’ name and for the greatest harvest in history. Amen!

Our decree:

We decree that the striking time has come! Our prayers are hitting the mark, and America shall be saved! This is our promise and expectation, for the Lord has determined it to be so!

Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston. You can find out more about Gina at GinaGholstonMinistries.org.

Copyright © 2024 Dutch Sheets Ministries, All rights reserved.

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