16 December 2024

Monday and A Rough Start

NOTE to squeamish readers: you might want to avoid this one if dental work weirds you out.

So there I was ... two weeks ago with a molar broke in two, and the filling fell out. That turned into  a toothache turned an abscess, which engendered a script for an antibiotic. Now, six days later, out the little bugger came. 

Which required the assistance of a drill, and removal by the numbers: first piece, second piece, and so on.

The process didn't take a long time, which is a very good thing.

But now I'm on 800 mg of Ibuprofen and Vicodin for the next few days (if it goes that long). I'm fortunate to have a fairly high pain threshold. 

sigh ...

The weather continues its strange ups-and-downs. It was warm two weeks ago, with highs in the 40s which melted a great deal of the snow. Then last week it got cold, but still no snow. Yesterday the low was 14°, rising to a blistering high of 15° with a half-inch of snow. Oh, and a heavy fog for the second time in the last few days.

This morning it's 18, and AccuHunch insists that we might get a bit of the white stuff. Time will tell. 

So the day will be a quiet one. That's a good thing.


LindaG said...

I feel for you, Reverend. I lost a crown when the molar it was on failed a couple months ago. It came out the same way.
Heal soon, stay warm and God bless.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you very much, Linda. I strongly suspect I'll be undergoing rather more dental work in the near future, and of much the same sort. The pills are actually helping, so there's that.

Old NFO said...

Owie... I hate getting a tooth pulled for JUST that reason! Heal quickly!

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you , sir.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Dude, there's no pain like dental pain. My sympathies!

Glad the pills are working, and hope you heal up smoothly.

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Wing. The pills are working great, and I hope to wean myself off of the Vicodin by tomorrow.

threecollie said...

I hope you heal quickly. I think toothache is the worst pain there is and I have had three kids.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, ma’am.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Goodness Reverend, Prayers Up indeed.

I am always amazed by your weather there. Having moved much farther North now, I am appreciating why previously considered "cold" temperatures are now considered "not all that bad".

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, TB. Gratefully accepted. :)