Father, You have done an amazing thing. What is impossible to man is possible to You. Thanks for putting the person You chose to lead America at this time, back in the White House. Satan and people tried EVERYTHING to stop it, including assassination, lawfare and corrupt judges, lies, and betrayal. But You had other plans.
Now we ask You to use this man greatly. Fill him with Your Spirit, give him a passion to know You, and impart great wisdom to him. Cause him to walk in humility, being confident in You alone. Give great zeal, as You did Jehu when he purged Baal worship from Israel, and the zeal our Lord, Jesus Christ, demonstrated. We are not looking to Donald Trump as our savior; except You build the house, we labor in vain. We ask YOU to save America, just as You have said.
Protect those in D.C. today: the President, those around him, and the thousands gathered there to celebrate Your plan. We bind every work of darkness, every plan to bring harm, and ask for Your protection. Keep all under Your shadow, Your wings, and Your angelic hosts. All of this we ask in Yeshua's name. Amen.
~ Rev. Dutch Sheets
Happy Inauguration Day!
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