07 January 2025

For All the Old(er) Music Lovers Out There



LindaG said...

1. Hahahahaha!!!!!
2. That's good too.
3. LOL.
4. Agreed!
5. And did they actually work?
6. Haha
7. That's a good one.
8. Hehe.
9. Yes!
10. Haha.
11. That's what I do to rappers...

#1 was the best to me. :)
Thanks for this pick-me-up, Reverend. You all stay warm, be safe and God bless.

Rev. Paul said...

Linda wins the prize for the most pithily detailed answer! LOL!

Ed Bonderenka said...

Wow Linda.
That's well-detailed.
"Goodness gracious..." I don't get it...

Rev. Paul said...

Ed, the name of Jerry Lee Lewis's song they're quoting is "Great Balls of Fire."

Ed Bonderenka said...

Made you say it... :)

drjim said...

Thanks for the laugh, which I really needed today!

Rev. Paul said...


Rev. Paul said...

Anytime, drjim - your skills & knowledge with the electronics is something I desperately wanted when I was a young man (many, many moons ago) and couldn't figure out how to get the training.

Old NFO said...

Good ones, thanks!

LindaG said...

Just something I have to do. :D