24 July 2009

It's Just Not Happening

I usually write these posts in the mornings, after breakfast but before work. I rarely have any idea what I'll write about, but many times a news snippet or comment will trigger a thought - and then I'm off to the races.

I don't make any claim that my posts are particularly deep, for the most part, although I have my moments. If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know my style tends to be ... well, scattershot.

Some days, the effort to come up with a topic, or even a general focus, is tougher. Some days, no matter how I peruse the local news rag-cum-bird cage liner, look at headlines on-line, stare at the ceiling, look out the window, walk around the room, check the weather report, tap on the keyboard, or bang my forehead on the table ... nothing happens. No magic. No inspiration.





And this... is such a day. The weather is a re-run; the news is recycled from Tuesday, ... and I've got nothin', but I repeat myself.

So I'll spare you any further doldrums; have a great Friday! I hope you don't regret dropping by just for this. With any luck - and a little inspiration - post #600 will be better than #599.


Piney said...

Which is worse, emptiness or brain so full there is no room?

Want to watch the banging of forehead on the table. That could get expensive! Tables ain't cheap, you know?

Have a wonderful weekend, Rev :)

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Piney. As you suggest, I think this may be one of those times when there are I could talk about everything or nothing, and I don't know which way to start.

Rev. Paul said...

See? So many things I can't even put a sentence together correctly. Geez, I need a vacation.

Teresa said...

There are just days like that. One gets through them by blogging such posts as you have just put up. Much better than saying nothing at all.

While I have days I don't post. I try not to let lack of content keep me from putting up some little thing even on days when I have nothing. Of course that may be why I have so few readers. ROFLMAO.

joated said...

"Momma said there'd be days like this,
There'll be days like this, my Momma said."

Yes indeedy!

I usually write nothing on my blog and just go and comment on someoneelse's scribblings.

Which brings me to why I'm here....

Rev. Paul said...

Teresa, I love your blog - after days of reading through political commentary filled with dire predictions about dire times, I need a walk past stone walls and neatly-tended flower beds. Thank you for providing such a place.

Joated ... yes, indeed. I've done that, too.

Mongo said...

Some days are not bloggable, and yes, that is a word. At least, it is now, since I made it up and say it is.

A little time sitting back and living life, rather that writing about it... that is sometimes a good thing.