20 January 2011

ANWR - The Big Lie

Regarding ANWR: a new pipeline across Alaska isn't required since the location for drilling in ANWR is about 160 miles from the North Slope Prudhoe Bay pipeline where it would be connected.

Second, the wildlife love the pipeline since it is heated and provides a shelter during the worst times during the winter.  Maybe another question 
should be asked.

 FIRST do you know what ANWR is?
ANWR is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Now A comparison
And some perspective

(it's in the "ANWR Coastal Plain")

This is what the Democrats, liberals, Progressives, and "Green" 
show you when they talk about ANWR -
and they are right. These are photographs of ANWR:

Isn't it beautiful? "Why should we drill here (and destroy) this beautiful place?" they ask.

WELL THAT'S NOT EXACTLY THE TRUTH. In fact, it's a deliberate lie. Do you remember the map? The map showed that the proposed drilling area is in the ANWR coastal plain. Do the photographs, above, look like a coastal plain to you?

What's going on here? The answer is simple - if you know what the coastal plain really is, you won't oppose the exploration for oil ... and they know it.

This is what the proposed exploration area
ACTUALLY looks like in the winter:

And this is what it ACTUALLY looks like
in the summer:

Here's a screen shot from Google Earth:


As you can see, the area where they are talking about drilling is a barren wasteland. Brackish swamp and tundra. Oh, and they say that they are concerned about the effect on the local wildlife.

Yeah, right.

Here is a summer photo of the poor, "depleted wildlife" situation created by drilling around Prudhoe Bay. Don’t you think that the caribou really hate that drilling?

Here's that same spot during the winter:

Hey, this bear seems to really HATE the pipeline near
Prudhoe Bay:

*The Prudhoe Bay oilfield accounts for 17% of  U.S.  Domestic oil production

Now, why do you think that the Democrats are lying about ANWR? Remember when Al Gore said that the government should work to artificially raise gas prices to $5.00 a gallon?

Well, Al Gore, the enviro-weenies and the Democrats have almost reached their goal.

But now that you know that they're lying, what are you going to do about it?

h/t Gamsbo


DR said...

Brilliant post. I am glad you tackled this issue. For too long politicians have played games with our energy resources. It is past time to get serious and allow the states to decide how they develop their own resources.

Anonymous said...

Now to get the "truth" out.
Thats the tough part..

SR said...

Drill baby, drill:)