01 February 2009

Frosty Morn Coming Down

It's 5.4 degrees below zero this morning, with a moderate frost that resembles snow. I don't understand how it can be so cold ... oh, wait - it's because of global warming ... yeah, that's the ticket!

The Super Bowl and its attendant over-blown, over-hyped, marathon pre-game show are dominating the media's attention this a.m. See, I mostly figger that's a good thing: if they're talking trash about the game, they're not concentrating on helping Congress do away with that problematic Bill of Rights. And it's not just about the 2nd Amendment, folks; now they want to limit the 4th Amendment, too. Take that, talking heads!

In other news, Mt. Redoubt continues to simmer & blow off steam, but little else - so far, so good.

I'm tempted to run over to Wally World in search of more precious metal (the FMJ kind) but find myself unwilling to brave the frost & cold this morning.

Maybe I should brew another pot of coffee ... there's always room for another cup of joe!


Cassie said...

Yes, global warming....We're not big football fans (though Pat played in H.S.) but it would be nice if the Cards win. Either way it really doesn't impact our lives. You & my hubby would get along great. He loves his morning pot of coffee. Well, maybe not.You'd fight over the last thick,black drippings in the pot!!! he he

Rev. Paul said...

Oh, I'd let him have the tailings from the pot. I'll just make another!