01 February 2009

Thoughts for February 1st, 2009

The trouble with the laws these days is that criminals know their rights better than their wrongs. ~ Author Unknown

Justice is incidental to law and order. ~ John Edgar Hoover

Punishment is now unfashionable... because it creates moral distinctions among men, which, to the democratic mind, are odious. We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility. ~ Thomas Szasz

The thieves and the killers are goin' to have guns, so if the honest men don't have 'em they just make it easier for the vicious. ~ Louis L'Amour


joated said...

I really like those last two quotes.

Rev. Paul said...

I do, too. It's amazing how 'common sentiment' and 'common sense' have become just the opposite. I sometimes feel on the edge of despair, until I remember Who is in charge!