29 April 2009

Is Secession Inevitable?

This guy thinks so. He presents a thoughtful study based on three types of law. Go there if you wish, and think it over for yourself.

Here's an excerpt:

"The international law of secession is in the process of emerging at this very time. The U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicates that all people have the right to a country. A corollary of this is that no people should long be kept in nationless status, e.g., the Palestinians. A further corollary of this is that no people should long be kept in any subjugated status, such as by being citizens or subjects of a country from which they are alienated."


"The argument for secession under emerging international law might be strongest for Alaska. Geographically, the place is disjoint from the other states of the Union, making it an identifiable place. Furthermore, under their state constitution's explicit right of privacy, possession of small amounts of marijuana is a right; yet, the so-called federal government imposes the costs of its war on drugs onto the citizens of Alaska.

"Furthermore, the people of Alaska have been long frustrated in developing their natural resources because of the opposition by majorities in the "lower 48." Indeed, as a separate nation, Alaska might be the freest place in the world, with zero taxes because of its wealth in natural resources, well-established civil liberties, and a socially tolerant, live-and-let-live attitude among its people."

I don't know if this is inevitable, or desirable. Draw your own conclusions.


LUCKY said...

If things keep up as they are going the great Hope and Change that people voted for in Nov of 2008 will cause this to happen. Poleraztion has never been so great or at least in my short life. There is a line drawn in the sand with people standing on both sides. The only thing that I forsee helping to stop this shift is a viable third party getting elected in America.

DR said...

Great post. Thank you for posting on this subject. I hope you keep it up. Growing up I always heard a lot of talk about Dixie will rise again; never actually believed it. Well, that has definitely changed. Within the last few years I have noticed Southern, Northern, and Western states all talking about secession.

I think we can still save the Republic, but I think it would take practically a miracle. Peaceful secession may, in the end, be our only option. It is Constitutional, I don't care what the courts say. The founding fathers themselves sold the Constitution to the states based on the states' ability to leave.

Rev. Paul said...

John Adams was of the opinion that "liberty, once lost, cannot be regained." He may be right, but time will tell.

I appreciate the author of the linked article stating that overtaxing and overspending are not reasons for secession; only the abrogation of natural rights would be. I fear were're coming to that, although I pray we do not.

Teresa said...

Looks like a plethora of new countries are popping up... first I see Texas is considered a foreign country, now Alaska is thinking about it.

Well, it would give us people who want out of the current nanny state some options. LOL.

Rev. Paul said...

Teresa, a substantial portion of folks in the Lower 48 seem to think Alaska is already a different country. I've been asked if we speak English here, if we take "American money". Many companies won't ship goods here, or else charge a costly premium for doing so.

In that regard, we'd be no worse off than we are now. There are many other considerations, though, such as defense of the new "republic".

Cassie said...

I'm not sure where I stand on this. I'm disgusted by the state of affairs here,but hope upon hope that the idiots that elected BO will see the light and realize that the change he proposes is not for the good of the country...can we make it through 4 years of this lunacy w/o an uprising??
Speaking of lunacy: Arlen Spector...Swine Flu Over Reaction...Nancy Pelosi...Islam. Yikes this has become a scarey place indeed. I ramble. Gotta go.