13 April 2009

Monday Morning

Good morning! We received three inches of the "little or no accumulation of snow" that was forecast by our friends at AccuHunch Weather ... but the same folks also say it will be near 40 today, so the snow won't last long.

It's typical April weather for Anchorage: just as the roads dry off, so that you can drive the 6 or 7 miles home without using a half-gallon of windshield washer fluid, it snows & makes the drive a sloppy mess again.

At least everything will look fresh and clean, this morning. The ongoing melting of snow has left the volcanic ash from Mt. Redoubt on top, where it's a black, gooey sludge. A hard rain might wash some of it away, but we don't get hard rains. Oh, well, it's going to be a nasty, dusty mess once the snow is gone.

We're stocking up on air cleaners for the cars - the authorities tell us we'll have to change the filters every 100 miles until the ash stops blowing around.

* * * * *

Speaking of the volcano, it has been quiet for several days now ("quiet" being a relative term). The eruption continues, but it has been confined to a steam plume with only minor amounts of ash. The plume has stayed around the 15,000 foot height, meaning the ash - if any - won't get here.

* * * * *

The Anchorage Tea Party is set for noon at the federal building, downtown. I want to go & take pictures, if I can. I don't know who might be scheduled to speak, but I'm sure the organizers will be there. A few barking moonbats will probably be there, as well, with their typical show of force: three to six people with pro-Obama signs, yelling at the 600 attendees to be quiet. Give or take.
I'm sure we'll treat them with the same respect they afforded George W. Bush during his Presidency.

Come to think of it, perhaps they'd better not show up!


Cassie said...

A filter every 100 miles. Yikes, that'll cost some $$. Don't you wish you owned an auto parts store? I bet they run out of filters.

Thanks for the Tea party reminder. I should see when it is here in Phx.

Rev. Paul said...

Cassie - it will be on Wednesday. They're planned for 'tax day', April 15, at 460 locations across the States.

Regarding filters, both our vehicles are fairly common models in these parts. That's good and bad: it's good when you need a repair, because the parts are generally well-stocked. It's bad when you need air filters due to volcanic eruptions, because everybody & their brother drive the same models, and they're constantly out of stock.

GUYK said...

yep, I have had to shovel some of that partly cloudy weather myself

Rev. Paul said...

I imagine you have! How long did you live in North Pole, anyway?