Psalm 22:27-28: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he ruleth among the nations.”
04 April 2009
Mt. Redoubt Erupts ... Again
Mt. Redoubt blew its top again this morning at 6:00. Ash cloud & plume rose to 50,000 feet. The wind is blowing ESE at the moment, so the ash is staying well south of Anchorage.
Here are two pictures from a few minutes ago - the closest view is from 7 miles from the north flank, on a neighboring peak; the other is 38 miles to the southeast, from an oil platform in the Cook Inlet.
Redoubt is roughly 150- to 200 miles south of the park, depending on where you'd be working. While the winds have blown a lot of the ash in that general direction, it is not a big deal ... more of an annoyance.
I am supposed to start work in Denali Park, next month. I have never had to factor in a volcano to the home to work equation...any thoughts?
Hi, Anon!
Redoubt is roughly 150- to 200 miles south of the park, depending on where you'd be working. While the winds have blown a lot of the ash in that general direction, it is not a big deal ... more of an annoyance.
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