These are from the Anchorage Daily News website, taken in Homer this morning after the 6 a.m. eruption. The 'nighttime' photo was taken between 8 and 8:30 this morning - 90 minutes AFTER sunrise - when it got as dark as night due to the ash fall.
Follow the link to see the article, and the many other pictures.
I can send sunshine again if you all want some :)
I thank you for the offer, but the sun is shining just fine, here in Anchorage (yay!). Poor Homer got dumped on by this morning's eruption. There's now an ash advisory there, asking people not to go outside because it's blowing & swirling - and is unsafe to breathe or get in your eyes or on your skin.
Jeesh! And I thought snow was bad.
Ah, well, it's 100% natural in either case. It's like Gaia is on a rampage or something.
The ash is natural, of course, but snow doesn't destroy machines & paint jobs. Turns out they got 1/4" of ash - which is very bad news for people, critters, machines, and pretty much everything else.
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