06 April 2009

Pictures from Homer

A friend of mine visited Homer this past weekend, and got some good pictures after the dust settled. Here are two she gave me permission to share with you.
The volcano is Mt. Redoubt, of course. The other shot is a bald eagle (they flock to Homer in large numbers, this time of year) that has obviously gotten into the ash at some point.
h/t Sandy


Cassie said...

They are both really good pictures. Is your friend a photog? I especially like the eerie one of Mt. Redoubt with that pink sky. Wow.

Just went back & looked at the eagle and realized his feathers are covered in ashe!

joated said...

The Eagle sure doesn't look too pleased with the dusting of ash it's gotten!

(Then again, they seldom do look happy with that boldly glaring yellow eye they have.)

Rev. Paul said...

Sandy manages the supply room for a local surgery center. The colorful sunsets (and sunrises, too) will be with us all for some time, due to the ash in the atmosphere.

Yes, the eagle had apparently been digging in something (probably a dumpster).

deedee said...

Fantastic pictures! So you all a real heat wave going on up there huh? (30 degees)On your last post you mentioned sales tax - the state of Alaska does not have sales tax?

Rev. Paul said...

No, and neither do most of the cities, nor any income tax. It's my understanding that we have one of the lowest tax burdens of any state.

Rev. Paul said...

Joated, I don't imagine the people in Homer are any happier about it ... but you're right: eagles have that whole "angry glare" thing down to a science!

Lanny said...

Yes, he does look a little more peevish than usual. I know that it is not a good thing this volcano, but the picture of it and it's ash plume is just plain cool.