06 April 2009

Monday Morning - A New Week

Good morning! It's 17 degrees, with a light frost. AccuHunch Weather guesses we'll make it into the upper 30s today.

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The Daily News has an article today about how Alaskans in southcentral are dealing with Mt. Redoubt and its on-going production of ash. Read it here.

The eruption on Saturday morning threw ash to its highest level yet, and produced the greatest amount of ash, so far. As I noted previously, the ash fall was spread generally to the southeast.

The volcano has been relatively quiet since Saturday, but the ash plume rising to about 15,000 feet continues.

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Of course there's the mayoral election, tomorrow, along with a series of school bond issues & a proposal for a cap on property taxes. Neither Alaska nor Anchorage have any sales tax, which makes the property tax burden rather large. Several of the mayoral candidates have stated a preference for a sales tax, with varying relationships to the property tax.

A sales taxes have been proposed several times before, in the last 10 or 15 years, and the voters have rejected it each time.

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There's not much else that's new to report. I'll see what type of fun-ness the day may generate, and keep an eye on the volcano.

Have a great day!


Lanny said...

Tax, it seems funny how we all have our likes and dislikes about the way we are taxed but ultimately it has to come from somewhere doesn't it.

GUYK said...

I will always vote for a sales tax over a property tax...sales taxes are the only 'fair' tax. (I have a tough time with the concept of 'fair' because it is an abstract concept and what is fair to me might be very unfair to you) Sales taxes are consummer taxes and you do have an option not to consume. Real estate taxes are okay provided that people that do not own real estate don't vote to impose them. Only real estate owners should have the option to tax themselves. Otherwise it is extortion by vote

Cassie said...

I'm with GUYK on this one. Definatley sales tax over property tax, as if I had a say. We've got both in AZ and they're always getting higher.

Redoubt sure is being nasty after all the false alarms earlier this year, eh? Don't breath that stuff.

I hope your guy for mayor wins tomorrow! Have a good day.

Rev. Paul said...

The voters here have fallen for the line that "sales taxes are unfair to the poor" - as if a flat percentage isn't the same for everybody! In fact, the poor would arguably pay LESS, since they would presumably spend less at the stores.

Cassie, I'll let Dan know you're pulling for him!