17 June 2009

Quote of the Day

This isn’t healthcare reform. It is the destruction of the best healthcare system in the world. It is the destruction of the nation’s economy. It, along with the tax on energy use, must be stopped.

We are being attacked by one “crisis” after another when the only one that matters is the restoration of the full faith and credit of the U.S. dollar. If the “health” of the U.S. dollar is not restored, nothing else will matter very much.

~~ Alan Caruba, "The Real Crisis is Obamacare"

h/t J.D. Longstreet


LUCKY said...

I am worried about the strength of dollar. I am more worried about those who are on fixed incomes who will be left with worthless dollars if our money becomes super inflated. I have silver which has real value and I also have over a year of food stored up and enough ammo to hunt for many years to come. I am not worried about food on my faimlies plate but I know there are others who are not prepared.

Rev. Paul said...

I believe you're right to be worried; I am, too. It looks increasingly as if the current administration & Congress are actually TRYING to crash our economy. It's treasonous behavior, IMHO, and I also think The Founders would be nauseous if they could see what has happened to U.S.

Rev. Paul said...

You know, if they were still alive and stuff.

joated said...
