26 June 2009

So What Else is News?

Okay, Jacko the whacko "King of Pop" (and that's so 1985) has died. Maybe it was a morphine overdose. Maybe it wasn't. People wonder! People pontificate! Fox News and most of the MSM are devoting hours to covering speculation in the absence of facts.

It's a shame, and I'm truly sorry for his family. I know his fans (and apparently he still had some) are disappointed and saddened. But there are madmen with nukes on both sides of the planet, and Americans are at risk. Could we not focus on things that will truly matter?

The U.S. Congress is set to vote on the largest tax increase in our history, in an effort to: a) combat global warming? b) generate billions of additional tax dollars so they can go on spending trillions we don't have? c) control our lives for the foreseeable future, in ways we can't even yet imagine? d) all of the above?

If you consider any answer other than d), you're sadly mistaken. It's not about global warming; it's about control. The elected autocrats, who are somehow magically transformed into a sort of omniscient godhood by virtue of winning an election, have determined that they will NOT be happy until we are all poor, disarmed, crawling in the dirt, and utterly dependent upon them for any and every scrap of income, food, or whatever that they in their beneficence deign to give us.

But MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD!!!!! Well, so is the American way of life, if cap-and-tax is approved. Maybe someone in the media will eventually figure it out. We already know it, despite the empty-headed prattling of the MSM.

Yeah, I'm steamed. Given what the gummint has been doing to us, shouldn't you be?


upinak said...

Oh YA! Rev wanna be MORE upset. Ok I will say "pissed" for you as I know you don't cuss.

Check THIS out!

The HOUSE holds moment of silence for M.J.!


deedee said...

I've seen flags at some houses flying yesterday and today in Michael Jackson's honor. :::shaking head:::

Rev. Paul said...

I assume you mean flying at half-staff. That's
sad; truly sad.

joated said...

And tonight (Friday) Brian Williams-NBC spent his entire half hour on Michael Jackson.

Rev. Paul said...

Well, why not? There's obviously NOTHING ELSE going on in the world.