07 June 2009

Sunday: the Midnight Sun

Good morning!

We have mostly clear skies & 50 degrees this morning; AccuHunch is predicting 70 for today. That's pretty warm, for us.

I took this photo of the back yard this morning at about 10 minutes after midnight, just for your viewing pleasure. It had clouded up at the time, so you can't see the mountains in the background.

There is usable light from 2:18 a.m. until 1:54 a.m., today. It never really gets dark here at this time of year; that's our compensation for the long, cold and dark winters. Mr. Sun is our friend!

* * * * *

There's little local news of any interest outside the Anchorage city limits, so I won't bore you with the minutiae.

My wife and younger daughter - inveterate shoppers, both of them - are headed off to a sale at Kohl's. I won't be joining them, choosing to remain outside, elsewhere, enjoying the wonderful weather.

North Korea's continuing missile tests are making some Alaskans a bit jittery, according to the local paper. That's our Daily News, flogging the painfully obvious. And for this, they charge money.

The rest of the paper is filled with information I read online, yesterday. I don't think we'll bother picking up the paper anymore, although my wife is concerned about losing the sale flyers. Okay, so maybe just the Sunday news.

* * * * *

I'm not seeing the large crowds of tourists, nor the heretofore-inevitable caravans of buses, this year. I really feel sorry for the businesses that are dependent on the tourist trade - it's going to be a very tough year for the merchants & businesses downtown.

One thing I'm hearing consistently, though, is the secession movement quietly gathering support. It wouldn't surprise me, and it could be a good thing for Alaska ... eventually. For one thing, we'd open up ANWR and the off-shore areas for drilling. No one can tell me it would be a bad thing (for us, and for the other States) to triple our oil output.

That's it for now. Thanks for taking the time to come by - have a great day.


LUCKY said...

I think the way I found your blog was by a post you did on secession. I don't know how I feel about secession. I love the United States but I don't like how our constitution is being ignored by those who promised God they would honor and uphold it. I fundamentaly hate the idea of Americans fighting and killing other Americans but I wonder at what point it would become to much for me. What will be the straw that breaks my back and forces me to action?

I wonder if would take the government trying to seize my arms and ammuntion,(which they are already trying to do) or taxing me out of my house (which they are currently on their way to). At what point do we give up trying to change the system from within by voting and decide that it is time to dissolve the social contract that we are currently in? I don't know the answears to these questions but its just something I have been thinking about.

Rev. Paul said...

Lucky, that's something that many, many are currently considering. The social compact that is the Union of otherwise sovereign States is not easily discarded. Having said that, Alaska and Hawaii have been part of the Union for only 50 years as of '09. There are many here who remember life prior to "statehood" as a Territory, and it wasn't the best. Now that AK is a state, that's all different. The questions that you raise, among others, remain.