24 June 2009

Wednesday 6/24

Good morning!

It's 41 and partly sunny this a.m. AccuHunch guesses we'll make it into the upper 50s this afternoon, and also alleges we may see more rain.

It's my wife's birthday today, and the younger daughter is making a steak dinner for her, tonight. Wife says she can't think of anything else she wants. That makes it a bit harder trying to get something nice for her, but not impossible.

Another ethics complaint against Gov. Palin has been dismissed by the State's ethics board. They said it is pure harassment, intended to intimidate State employees. The rest of us have been saying that all along.

State legislators questioned officials of TCAlaska & Exxon about the proposed natural gas pipeline, and asked what happens if they fail to get enough commitments from gas producers to make the pipeline viable. "Hmm, umm, well, ummm, we need two more years, umm, you know." Sigh.

The Anchorage Assembly has been holding hearings (emphasis on the plural) about a proposed law with anti-discrimination protection on the basis of gender orientation. Some claim it's a burning issue; others claim it's unnecessary. Those of all stripes and widely differing opinions have been signing up to testify faster than they can be heard; yet more hearings are scheduled. The acting mayor, bless his darling heart and empty head, wants the Assembly to put the issue on the ballot, and "let the voters decide." Way to pass the buck, Mr. Mayor.

Whatever happened to leadership? Oh, well, regarding that, at least this can be said: if he won't lead us, we can't be misled!


Teresa said...

Mmmm Steak Dinner - that works for me. LOL. Happy Birthday to your wife!

DR said...

Happy Birthday to your wife. I pray God blesses her over the next year, but how much more blessed could she be, she already has you;-)