21 July 2009

A Blustery Day

Good morning!

Our grey skies continue today, with wind and rain in the forecast. AccuHunch is alleging we'll have gusts to 30 mph in town, and up to 60 mph on the mountain-sides above town. Sideways rain is always fun, isn't it?

The temps remain in the normal range, though, so it could be a lot worse.

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The Duh-Ya-Really-Think? Dept: The local newshounds have discovered that, on account of the economy, workers' migration into and out of Alaska has slowed. Shazam!

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Has anyone besides me noticed that the "compose" box on Blogger has developed a major twitch?

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Kick-'em-harder Dept: The local news rags, never ones to resist kicking someone while they're down, or when they're leaving, are having a field day trashing Governor Palin during her last week in office. This week's bi-monthly birdcage liner has so many slurs against Sarah - in multiple articles - that it turned my stomach. They also have multiple references to how the new governor will be ever so much better/smarter/easier to work with.

Gag me. And here I thought "news" articles were supposed to report, you know, news. I guess reporting has gotten so much easier since they stopped relying on facts and can just use the opinions of whomever is typing the story.

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Have a great Tuesday, folks, and thanks for stopping by.


Jenny said...

ADN.. ugh. After what they pulled last fall, if they told me the sky was blue I'd have to look up to check.

Makes it fun when they try to give them away in Fred Meyers though.

"Darlin, you couldn't give me one of those. No, I mean seriously... you can't give me one. Keep it. " :)

Piney said...

LOL Jenny! "Darlin, you couldn't give me one of those. No, I mean seriously... you can't give me one. Keep it. " :)

ADN does make good bird cage liner, and something to clean the fish on...... so many pages, so little news. *sigh*

Weather in the valley seems to be going downhill. It was nice, warm and breezy. It is now overcast and hmmm 'blustery' to swipe from you, Rev. Paul :)

Rev. Paul said...

Ladies, ladies! The bi-monthly rag isn't the Daily Noise, strangely enough. The ADN kills way more trees than that ...

"so many pages, so little news" LOLOLOL!

Jenny said...

Shows what I get for not reading carefully. :)

Who did you mean?

Rev. Paul said...

My, I AM playing this one close to the vest, eh? It's the 7/19 edition of the Journal of Commerce.