13 July 2009

Monday Afternoon

As you can see from the photos in the previous five posts, we had a great time on the wildlife cruise. We hadn't seen whales since 2004, and humpbacks are bigger than the minke whales we saw then (roughly 15 to 30 feet for minke whales vs. 40 to 50 feet for humpbacks).

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A lot of the smoke has cleared out of the area, and the mountains are visible again, although it's still hazy. We can actually see blue skies today, which is also an improvement.

We're having a textbook-normal day of 65 degrees, along with sunny skies and light winds - altogether lovely.

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Several readers have commented on the absence of moose in my header (above). I just liked this shot, as the tour boat followed the kayakers into Thumb Cove, but will get a four-legged friend back up there soon.

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One of my Missouri friends asked about Resurrection Bay - so a couple of quick facts:
  1. Its name comes from Capt. Vitus Bering, who first saw it on a rainy evening. The next morning - Easter Sunday - dawned bright and sunny. Since Easter is also known as Resurrection Day (referring to the Christian belief of Jesus being raised from the dead on the Sunday after Passover), Capt. Bering chose that name.
  2. The center of the channel has a depth of about 900 feet.
  3. In the picture at the top of the page, it's about 240 feet deep - that rock wall is sheer, and the boat got within eight or ten feet of it.
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I discovered, happily, that our car averaged nearly 31 miles per gallon on the Seward trip - from sea level (Anchorage) up into and through the Chugach/Kenai Mountains, and back down to sea level again at Seward. That's with a family of four on board. My truck would have gotten only 17.5± for the same trip.

When my wife & I drove to Portage Lake, a week ago, we averaged 33.5 mpg, but that was on a level road with only two in the car.

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I'm trying to avoid the news today - doing so leaves me a bit happier in outlook, and that's a good thing. It's not like I don't know what's going on, but not having it shouted in my ears makes the day seem more pleasant.



Teresa said...

Remember... it hasn't been that long that we've had 24/7/365 news blaring at us. It's not good to have a constant diet of that garbage. (rather like a steady diet ice cream without the good taste - just bad for ya).

Nothing of huge import will ever happen anymore without people knowing about it very quickly whether they are online, on television, or not. So I keep doing my level best to ignore all the crappy stuff and do happier things. The world will do down the tubes whether I'm watching it or not. LOL.

BTW - love your pic at the top of the blog - beautiful even without the moose.

Rev. Paul said...

I agree that the constant barrage of news - especially the negativity that comes pouring out of D.C. these days - is bad for you/me/us.

And thanks for the kind words about the picture; that makes two of you, now, who agree it's a nice shot. I'll probably take it down tomorrow ... I get bored and want something else!