The vidcap of the humpback's flukes - and I apologize for the quality of the picture itself - is from the end of a nice 9 1/2 minute video shot by my daughter. I'm working on editing out the long stretches of 'nothing' in between the brief times where one of the whales would break the water to breathe.
Finally, a mom and nearly-grown calf stayed more or less stationary, and one of them finally lifted its tail out of the water, providing that "money shot" as the crowd said "oooh" and "aaah" in the appropriate places.
It was a great trip, and worth every penny. The salmon and prime rib buffet wasn't bad, either. If you decide to visit Alaska and want to take this cruise, e-mail me & I'll provide info on the tour company we used.
Looks like it was terrific all around! Yay! One day, one day I will get up there and see the sights.
The hard part is selecting these 25 shots out of the 192 images we came home with.
oh'ed and ah'ed through all your wonderful pictures! I'm so use to seeing a moose in your header, that I had to serious look at the picture to see if there was one hidden in there some place :)
Glad you enjoyed the pics - no moose in the header, though. I just like this photo. These two were paddling along as our boat followed them into the cove ... I wondered if we made them nervous, but they never even looked back.
What a cool excursion. I can hardly wait til Pat retires so we can come up to AK and do such a cruise.
ps-went to a standdown last Sat. in Sandpoint sponsored by the local Vietnam Vets group. Got some good info while there.
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