27 July 2009

Rainy Days & Mondays

With apologies to the 2A Roundup, if you've come here looking for the video, I took it down. No one left any comments, and I suspect no one wanted to see it that badly. If you do, you can find it at here at Theo Spark's place.

* * * * *

It has been grey and cloudy all day, and rained steadily for a good portion of the afternoon. The temp is near normal, though, at 62, so no one is complaining much.

Well, maybe a little, but it could be a LOT worse. It could be icy rain with snow in the mountains, like last July. No, thanks.

* * * * *

The media reps are wiping the spittle off their collective chins, with Sarah Palin fading (temporarily) into yesterday's news. I'm sure the frenzied mob insanity will resurface as soon as she does, but for now ... it's kind of nice. Various comments today have been cautiously optimistic that perhaps things will remain a bit more settled, with a new Governor in place.

The manic reporting of all things Sarah was embarrassing and unbecoming a profession that used to be respectable, but it's obvious the so-called "reporters" are going to have to go back to their respective holes & find something to talk about. I'm sure it won't take long.

Edward R. Murrow must be spinning in his grave.

* * * * *

I didn't get to the range over the weekend to play with the new rifle, but I can always go after work during the week; perhaps Wednesday.

There's not much else going on, so I'll stop. Thanks for coming by.


Home on the Range said...

It's not that we don't care. Some of us are just wrapped in our own angst and don't feeling like talking.

Your posts are read. Always.

Barkley says to give Sam a big doggie kiss.

joated said...

Did some work in the woods today (high of 76 and cloudless much of the day) so I missed seeing the USSA video on your site. The lyrics are most aprapos.

That's one good thing about being where you are. This time of year you've got all that daylight after work. Of course you've also got it before work which could make sleeping tough. And you can't "save" it for December, January and February when you could really use it....

I give Sarah two weeks to take a deep breath and get things straightened out at home before she gets back into things either in response to all the false ethics complaints, a book signing, or a one person think tank commenting on the goings on in D.C.

Rev. Paul said...

Brigid, I understand. Thanks for letting me know, though. And I'll pass that doggie kiss along.

Joated, we often wish we could use some of the midnight sun in the wintertime. It's getting dusky at 11 pm these days. And you're right about Sarah - she won't be able to keep from speaking out for long.

DR said...

Hey, I watched that video; why did you take it down? I think they are the same people that did the press one for English song, that one was good too.