31 August 2009

Quotes of the Day

"The Second Amendment is a political issue today only because of the military reality that underlies it. Politicians who fear the people seek to disarm them. People who fear their government's intentions refuse to be disarmed. The Founders understood this. So, too, does every tyrant who ever lived. Liberty-loving Americans forget it at their peril. Until they do, American gun owners in the aggregate represent a strategic military fact and an impediment to foreign tyranny.

"They also represent the greatest political challenge to home-grown would-be tyrants. If the people cannot be forcibly disarmed against their will, then they must be persuaded to give up their arms voluntarily. This is the siren song of "gun control," which is to say "government control of all guns," although few self-respecting gun-grabbers such as Charles Schumer would be quite so bold as to phrase it so honestly."

~~ M. Vanderboegh, "What Good Can a Handgun Do Against an Army.....?"

"Today we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."

~~ President John F. Kennedy


LUCKY said...

I have advocated in many a place that the nonsense over hunting and the 2nd amendment are a bunch of smoke.

While I do hunt and use both firearms and bows to do so, the reason that I have believe in a well armed public is what Vanderboegh said.

If we are armed there is only so much tyranny that can be fostered upon us.

Throughout history tyrants have sought to disarm people. When people become disarmed they become subjects instead of citizens.

Both sides of the gun control position know the real reasons for why they favor or oppose gun control.

I wish it would only come out in the open so that I could hear the case why I should become disarmed and allow my status to change from citizen to subject.

Rev. Paul said...

You don't think the full-court press by the left, the progressives, the MSM, most local newspapers, ad nauseum, isn't an open declaration?

All I have to do is look at who it is that wants me to disarm, and I vow anew, "Not on my watch."

LomaAlta said...

Tyrants always want to disarm the citizens (Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, etc. etc. forever).

I expect an appeal to come up to repeal the no third term restriction on US presidents. It would be so much easier to subjegate and force disarmed and docile serfs rather than informed and armed citizens.