26 September 2009

Saturday in the A.M. - UPDATED

Good morning!

I woke at 5:15, for no apparent reason other than it's about the time that arise on weekdays, and I obviously wasn't all that tired, the night before.

It's 38 this morning, with a rain/snow mix falling. AccuHunch guesses there will be an inch or more of fresh snow at about 1500 feet, and more, higher up. What a surprise; it does appear that winter is making an early entrance this year.

UPDATE: The snow came much closer to sea level than expected. The trees are white just a couple of hundred feet above us. And we guessed right about the following paragraph, too - the lines are now out the door.

My truck's at Sam's Club this morning, getting the snow tires mounted. I waited a week too long last year, and had to stand in line for an hour just to get to the counter to order the work. Today, there were only 4 people ahead of me, and the work should be done by 9 a.m. I'll toss the car's winter tires in the trunk before we go get the truck, and hope they're not too busy to do it today, too. Then that's done for the season, and we don't have to worry about tires again until late April or early May.

I'm going to get out the VHS-to-DVD gadget which I purchased earlier this year, and try transferring a movie (via the PC) just to see how it works. I'm also thinking about a trip to the range today, and may still try, depending on how hard it rains. Tomorrow's forecast is identical to today's, so if I'm waiting for dry weather, I won't make it there at all. I'd rather go when the weather is iffy, anyway, because there are far fewer shooters there. It's kinda nice to have the pistol range to myself, anyway. If I lean the target toward me a bit, it might not get too wet, so we'll see.

I mentioned last night that some leaves had started to fall, yesterday, but it appears I spoke too soon. This morning, the ground (and vehicles) are carpeted with wet leaves.

I know this is a collection of random thoughts this morning, but that's what I have today. We tend to resist making any plans at all, on the weekends, because we don't have to. So there.

That's not always the case, of course, and today is one of those exceptions: Younger Daughter, the chef, will be attending another cooking class at noon. Today's topic: cupcakes and cake balls, whatever those are. Yes, she's been firmly instructed to bring home samples.

Thanks for stopping by; I do appreciate the visits. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Meadow said...

I've a wonderful view of the Chugach today. Just too pretty to not stand in awe for a few minutes.

We still have one vehicle to do the change over on, then we are good to go!

I hope the samples are delicious. *cuppa hot chocolate and cupcakes, yummmy!*