20 September 2009

The Sunday Prayer Corner

The week just past has been full of twists and turns:
  1. Representative Joe "You lie!" Wilson (R.-SC) taking a stand against the half-truths and evasions in the administration's rhetoric, as well as the president's speech;
  2. People from all over, sending Rep. Wilson some $2 Million in campaign contributions;
  3. ACORN being de-funded by a Congress whose "progressive" members could no longer pretend ignorance of the systemic corruption in their favorite community organization;
  4. "Progressives" deserting ACORN like rats leaving a sinking ship;
  5. Most heartening of all, the attendance of a probable 1.5 million Americans at the 9/12 protest in Washington, DC (that number has now been confirmed by comparing satellite photos with the DC police's estimate formula, among others).
The list goes on, and you're all pretty familiar with what's been happening. The big question, now, is what's next?

There are those among us who declare that they stand ready to take up arms against a federal government which - in their words - is too big, overbearing, intrusive, and out of control. Many agree with the statement, but aren't yet ready to consider armed insurrection. But be aware that those folks are there, and they're watching.

There are those who propose one course of action or another, but a growing consensus is that we have a narrow window of opportunity to change the course of the dialog - and that time is now.

Write your elected officials and representatives, at all levels of government, and demand accountability. Demand actual representation, and not just lip service. Remind those officials, if necessary, they were elected to represent the will of those who sent them, and NOT to engage in a massive power grab.

READ the Constitution - it's not that long - and insist that elected Federal officials abide by its provisions. Make sure that you, yourselves, understand those provisions, as well.

* * * * *

Heavenly Father, we increasingly feel as though our nation stands upon the brink of something really major - a major change in the way the government operates, and in how it regards its citizens.

Lord, help us to understand Your will in all this, and to do what is right in Your sight. We need Your guidance, wisdom, and strength as we come together in Your name, standing together as Your people.

Father, protect us from what we don't see coming, as Your Word says You will be our rear guard, and a guard all around us. Let us not be caught by surprise, but "wise as serpents, and as harmless as sheep".

We need You more than ever; help us to remain conscious of that fact. We lift our hands to You, and ask Your help in Jesus' name.



DR said...


I really look forward to these.

gregor said...

Amen, my friend.